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Welcome to the world of Science and Stories


"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself"

- Albert Einstein 


About Pop-Sci-Cles

Popscicles (Popular Science and common tales), founded by Rohini Chintha, aims at engaging the age old tradition of storytelling, both as an effective means of Science communication and as a tool for introducing Indian folklore and Indian epics/mythology to audience of all age groups.



English to Telugu

Story Telling is an Art and Science Story is rare.


Simple Science

Basic Science Concepts and Experiments 

Through Popscicles


Simplicity of Science

Fundamental Science Experiments explained


Science Stories

Science in the form of Stories


“Pop-Sci-Cles by Rohini Chintha is a classic take on science communication. It is a wonderful medium to teach science to kids and enthusiasts”

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